flutterfire cli install for your project


----------------- Note:

If you didn't install flutterfire cli for your computer,

 you have to do it first (It's simple)

How to install the youtube video flutterfire cli for our computer here

----------------- Step one:

Next, We are going to install flutterfire cli for our project

First, Go to your project and open the terminal(cmd) 

check the firebase connection with this command. (Terminal )

firebase login 

If you are not logged in, log your firebase account. And check login is ok, by the firebase login command

----------------- Step two:

Then, Install flutterfire cli for your project with this command

dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli

It will show like this. 

After this, 
----------------- Step three:

* Select a Firebase project to configure your Flutter application with

( I recommend first going to https://console.firebase.google.com/ and creating a new project and finding it from the list, and continuing) You can also create a new project with cmd

* Which platforms should your configuration support (use arrow keys & space to select)? · android, ios, macOS, web

It will be ok. and create a file location : lib\firebase_options.dart 
