Today I simply explain these,
* What is git?
* What is GitHub?
* What are the benefits of using git/GitHub?
* How to use git/GitHub?
* How we can use git/GitHub in our project? (main topic)
Let's start,
* What is git?
Simply, Git is a version control system (VCS). There are a lot of VCS. Examples: Marcurial, GitLab, CVS, and more.
What is a version control system?
Version control is a class of systems responsible for managing changes to computer programs, large websites, or other collections of information. Version control is a component of software configuration management.
* What is GitHub?
GitHub is an Internet hosting service, where we will host our Flutter project.
* What are the benefits of using git/GitHub?
There are a lot of benefits. There are a few of these,
work offline
Showcase your work
revise code - control version
team collaboration
Integration options
* How to use git/GitHub?
To use git,
must have installed it in our operating system.
You can download & install it from here or watch the Video tutorial: here
To use GitHub,
must have to create a GitHub account and log in to the account.
Create an account from here.
Now, We are going to main topic
* How we can use git/GitHub in our project?
In this topic, We will discuss:
How we can use git/GitHub in our project? & How to upload the flutter project on GitHub?
We are going to the main topic
Step 1: Create a Flutter Project or go to your project
Step 2: Open Terminal
Step 3: Step by step all commands to upload the project remotely.
→ 1. git init
→ 2. git add.
→ 3. git commit -m "description"
→ 4. git branch -M branchName
→ 5. git remote add origin repoUrl
→ 6. git push -u origin branchName
Add modified files to that remote project;
Step-1 Step-by-step 3 commands to upload modified files/folders.
→ 1. git add .
→ 2. git commit -m "description"
→ 3. git push -u origin branchName
This way we can upload our project remotely.
Now we'll see how we can bring the repo locally into our system.
There are 2 ways; 1. Git clone, 2. Download zip
To clone repo: github project → code → copy url → vs code → clone repo
*To download zip : * Github project → code → download zip
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